COLUMN  留学生インタビュー 14/08/01



Please introduce yourself


My full name is Charles Anthony Johnson. Please call me charlie

I m 21 years old. I played rugby since I was 4 years old. My position is fly half, in japan anywhere.


Why did you chose japan to study abroad?


Japan is very different to my country. I’ve been to Chile Argentine Canada and a lots of Europe countries and Singapore. But I never been to a country that has never been influenced by Europeans. So japan has a lot of history that’s not affected by Europe. Don’t you think a lot of countries in north and South America has run by European countries? And one more reason is of course I like Japanese girls.



What was the most surprising thing about Japan?


  The most surprising thing was how bad the pitch was considering how famous the University is. Because I expected to have a better conditions in a famous university .I played rugby in Chile Argentina France Ireland and UK my friends have played in South Africa and Namibia but there were no pitches as bad as the one here.

Even in Africa?

Even in Zimbabwe they have grass pitches. And Zimbabwe has no money. So I’m very surprised because it’s not flat and there are rocks and bad for your joints. This is the worst pitch I have ever seen. What is this thing? Dust? Sand?




What is the biggest difference between Japanese English rugby?


Between my university and Hokudai every one is a lot bigger and stronger in England, but people are smaller and faster, but they take the rugby more seriously. In the UK a lot of the time people play rugby so they can go drinking with the rugby team. We never ever watch last week’s match or film of other teams or anything like that. So we don’t do any of that But we have a lot better facilities we have three coaches that we hire to come in and we have like four or five grass pitches. So it’s quite strange because I think if Hokudai had the facilities that we have you guys would be so much better than us . But I was surprised about how good everyone was. I didn’t expect people to be so good. There are a lot of players that could easily play in the UK.

Like who?

 Fujisima san, seiji san, yutaro, yosiga, and maybe yusuke because his is very fast. If everyone on the A team came to my university they wouldn’t play in the worst team.




What do you think about Hokkaido Rugby team?


 I think its quite difficult because the team is very good but maybe to get better maybe they could get a coach or something. But I was very very impressed how the team are very committed to playing. People do things like fitness after the match and after training if they are late and which no one would ever do in UK. So everyone is very committed and trains on their own and things like that.


 I heard there are no mangers on the team in the UK, but what do you think about them?


I think its very good role because it’s a quite professional. So having people do your strapping will help with people coming back from injury and having so one look after the injury side. And it’s nice having people running around with water because it makes it easier for the players. But sometimes I think it might get boring for the mangers because they have to spend a lot of time just watching us while training, which may just be boring especially when we are just worming up or doing units, so some time I don’t know why managers become managers


What do you like about Japanese food, what do u like?


I think in England our food isn’t very good. Whereas most of the food here tastes good even the cheaper food is very good. In England Japanese food is becoming very popular and fashionable because its healthy but nice. You often have people in England in the city going to sushi bars and things. I love jingisukan , sushi and fugu, and of course nomihoudai. And karoke is nice!I enjoy it a lot especially when u have it at the same time. So I go out to nomihodai and karaoke with my friends, lots of beer and lots of songs. It’s a lot of fun.


In Japanese in culture what do u think is weird?


I think one thing is you don’t like to say no .And sometimes if you are talking to Japanese and you say do you want to do this and when they don’t want to they would say maybe or I don’t know or lets do something else. Which is a bit different in UK, here people don’t say things directly. And the relationships between sennpai and kohai is a bit weird. In the rugby club you respect the older boys, but older boys can make fun or the younger people do things but they don’t pay for anything. I was really surprised when I found out the older boys had to pay for the younger students when they go out. I thought that was very different.


Give us a message to our rugby team.


I think Hokudai should have a coach because I think it’s difficult for the captain to be in the match and know how to improve the team. I know that it’s very difficult thing to do and I was told that the Sapporo University now has a coach and they are doing better. I think that Hokudai could do that. And also have more rests in between trainings might be good too. I want to say thank you to the team because I didn’t know what to expect when I first came and everyone has been kind and including me in things and spoken to me and had fun times playing together more importantly drinking to gather. Its been a lot of fun so thank you to everyone for a wonderful year.


インタビュー:二年目 木内、南、港、吉岡、吉原



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